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| Student Voice

Seed Internships Has Given Me Career Confidence

by Stephanos Mavrommatis As the son of Argentinian and Brazilian immigrant parents who will be the first to receive a college degree in my family, navigating university and my career to follow often feels daunting. How do I apply for an internship? How can I…
| Alumni

Hilltop to Howard: Quenessa Long’s Tacoma Roots

Quenessa Long couldn’t be prouder to come from Tacoma. An alum of our Act Six program and recent Howard University School of Law graduate, Quenessa is now an attorney living in Washington D.C. But despite the distance, Quenessa still calls herself a Pierce County native…
| News

Act Six Celebrates 88 New College Graduates

This past school year, 88 Act Six scholars from underrepresented communities in Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, and Minnesota graduated from college. These scholars earned degrees from 17 colleges in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest, graduating together with records of distinguished leadership, service, and academic achievement.…
| Stories , Student Voice

My Amazing Expedition Experience

by Josiah Tiblow Thirty-three strangers? In the woods? For three days? A month before the Degrees of Change Summer Expedition, many things ran through my mind. From the nerves of being away from home without communication to the outside, to the uncertainty of not knowing…
| News

Meet the Second Seed Teachers Cohort

We are thrilled to announce the second cohort of Seed Teachers scholars. Our Seed Teachers program works for a more equitable public education system with teachers who reflect the students they serve. Our second cohort was recognized at the Degrees of Change office in downtown…
| Blog

Why A College Degree Still Matters

In an era of doom-and-gloom headlines about higher education, we simply cannot overlook the enduring value of a college degree. Earning a degree remains a game-changer, especially for the young leaders Degrees of Change serves, many of whom are Black, Indigenous and people of color…
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Degrees of Change equips students to learn together through college and lead together back home.
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*Important Act Six Update*Read the Press Release